Sunday, 28 October 2012

Thoughts on the loose!!!

Gosh!!! I see it now, that last post was highly eeeeeeehh...motional :&  Did I really write that?? I can be such a drama queen. Seriously, even if it isn’t about fear ...why so much drama? Mtcheew. And just like that, I’m over FEAR ;) Anyways, talking about something totally different...Age perception...let me explain, age perception in the sense of how people tend to assess and address you, based on how old they think you are. Honestly, I think everyone should play it safe and address people with common courtesy, but sadly being associated with the Nigerian culture that demands that you dress the way you want to be addressed and other ‘bad belle’ characters that don’t expect others to be at the level they are; judging with size or other outward characteristics, you find yourself wondering WTH!!! Personally I don’t care how old people think I am, that is until my rights are being infringed on as a result. It’s really annoying when people feel they can talk to you anyhow they like just because you’re small (compared to them), calm (compared to them), respectful (compared to them), in contact with your inner child (compared to them) or just cute :D *running way*. But there is this set of people who just poor out respect/courtesy, even though they might think otherwise in their mind... they give it out and you are none the wiser because they first acknowledged the fact that everyone is a human being. I have so many of such people as friends though; it’s the ‘queer’ minority that I don’t understand. And really the tables can turn, in this race called ‘life’ you succeed or fail based on the relationships that you are able to harness or ...not harness. I believe that even if it is not in ones nature, a conscious effort should be made to be nice and approachable.

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